Mussels of Cooper Marsh & Plein Air Painting

Cooper Marsh Conservation Area

Monday, August 28, 2023 (10 am - 12:00 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm)

 Pre-registration is required.

Join dynamic duo Dr. Frederick W. Schuler and Aleta Karstad along with River Institute and RRCA staff as we search for and learn about the native Unionid mussel species, eastern Ontario's largest invertebrate animals. These native mussels were largel wiped out in many waterbodies by invasive zebra mussels. The workshop will showcase the quest for St. Lawrence populations of the at-risk Sagittunio nasutus, the eastern pond mussel, remnant populations of which have been discovered Schueler and Karstad beginning in 1998. 

Participants are encouraged to bring any found mussel shells to the workshop for identification and to improve knowledge of current distributions.  

Participants will also have the option to blend nature with art in company with Aleta Karstad as she paints in oils on-location at the Marsh. Bring your choice of media.